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How to Make Your Child Self-Dependent? Career Choices

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” – Maria Montessori

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Parenting is the most rewarding yet challenging job. A positive sense of self is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child. Children with high self-esteem feel loved and competent and develop into happy and productive people. That’s because self-worth is how capable kids think they are. You can encourage your child to be confident and teach them the importance of self-reliance by praising his/her efforts and helping her recognize their strengths.

Adopting a holistic approach to parenting means being aware of all the aspects of your child’s development. It means making an informed and conscious parenting decisions.

Here are a few tips for adopting a holistic view of parenting:

1. Don’t rescue your child

It is essential to make your child learn that it is okay to fail. It is normal to feel sad, anxious, or angry at times.

Although it comes naturally to every parent to want to prevent their child from getting hurt or discouraged, they need to overcome the obstacles and fight their own battles someday. Solving problems without your help will help foster confidence and self-reliance in a child.

 Encourage Curiosity

There are many things that children do not know. For them, the world is an unexplored place, which builds curiosity. Parents should always encourage questions; it makes children better learners. Knowing all the answers will also help build confidence in a child.

3. Open the door to new experiences

You have a responsibility as a parent to increase life exposures and experiences so the child can develop confidence in coping with a larger world.

Exposing children to new things teaches them that no matter how scary or new something seems, they can conquer it. Giving your kids new challenges are critical confidence-building activities; every parent should include while raising their child.

 Focus On Effort

Give positive feedback about specific things that your child has control over, like hard work or perseverance, rather than things that they have no control over, like being intelligent. The point is never the product. Your goal is for your child to keep trying, practicing, improving, and learning that when they work hard, they can accomplish their goals. 

Career Choices for Your Child

Every parent’s primary concern is to provide their children with the best education for a successful career. Besides thinking about education, career exploration for kids is also crucial to child planning. 

How to Make Your Child Self-Dependent?

(Image Credit: Shutterstock)

Here’s how you can help your child select their career:

1. Read About Different Careers

You can find information online about every profession possible. If your child expresses interest in any specific occupation, encourage him or her to research it on their level and to gather more information about it.

2. Talk to People In Different Fields

Enquire people about their jobs and experience. Find out what all qualification is required to achieve a particular position.

3· Keep their interest in mind

 Your child may be interested in a career you think is not right for him or her. You may not know enough about that occupation to have an opinion. Do some research together and find out what is best for your child. You may learn something with your child.

Invest Early for Your Child's Future - 

Parents usually tend to look at short term goals and are end up unprepared for their children’s higher education. They manage by borrowing, repayment of which may be beyond their limit, and even selling their assets.

You need to identify the current cost of education for your child. Then consider 10 percent inflation while calculating your goal for the college fees. There are education calculators available online, which also tells you your readiness score to meet child education cost and how much you need to save monthly to achieve this goal.

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