Financial Calculator

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Types of Financial Calculators as per your Needs
Term Insurance Calculator
This finance calculator comes in handy when you want to know the premium to be paid for a desired life insurance cover. Term insurance offers financial protection to your family in case of an unfortunate event. With this calculator, you can find out the approximate premium for the desired sum assured and tenure of the payment simply by entering some of the details such as age, Income, Gender and so on.
Check PremiumInvestment Calculator
You can use this financial calculator to get an idea about the returns your investments in a particular instrument or plan will generate. The investment calculator has various variables such as return of rate, tenure of investment, amount invested and others.
View PlanFixed Deposit (FD) Calculator
It is a simple tool that will help you to figure out approximately how much your deposit in a FD will be worth at maturity based on the current interest rate for a specific term. Through this calculator, you will be able to compare different tenures with different interest rates. This makes easier for individuals to invest in an avenue that offers better maturity amount.
View PlanRecurring Deposit (RD) Calculator
In case you are planning to invest in RD or have already invested in one, this finance calculator will help you figure out approximately how much your deposit will be worth at maturity. Using the financial calculator i.e. RD Calculator, you will be able to make wise investment decision.
View PlanSystematic Investment Plan (SIP) Calculator
Based on an estimated rate of return and the future value of your investment after a certain number of years this finance calculator helps calculate the approximate return of your SIP investment. SIP Calculator offers the investor a bifurcation of the future value of SIP investment into two parts- Estimated Return on Investment and Principal. Through SIP return calculator, you will be able to find results in a quick time and can adjust your results as per inflation.
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Unit Linked Investment Plan (ULIP) Calculator
The investment risks in the investment portfolio is borne by the policyholder.
A tool to help you determine the approximate maturity amount from a ULIP plan, based on your expected future investment value and returns from the ULIP policy. As ULIP calculator helps insurance buyers in calculating the approximate value of the rate of return on investment, it is important to keep details such as type of funds, amount of investment and premium payment frequency handy to avail quick results.
Public Provident Fund (PPF) Calculator
The PPF Calculator helps you calculate the approximate maturity amount and interest earned from your PPF investments. You need to decide the amount you want to invest on a regular basis, input the tenure and the current PPF interest rate will help in getting an approximate maturity amount.
View PlanCIBIL Score
This tool will help you generate your CIBIL score – a 3-digit number that assesses your creditworthiness. CIBIL score plays an important role in the loan and credit card approval process along with personalized loan offers. The closer your score is to 900, the better your credit rating is.
View PlanGold Rate
This tool will help you with the approximate rate of return on your investments in gold. The value of your gold will be determined using the real-time Indian gold price.
View PlanIncome Tax Calculator
An easy-to-use tool that helps with an estimate of your taxes based on your income and investments.
View PlanReturn On Investment (ROI) Calculator
This finance calculator helps you gauge the approximate returns of your investments across different time periods. Before you make any serious investment in future, ROI calculator can be taken into consideration.
View PlanCompound Interest Calculator
Use this finance calculator to check approximately how your investments might grow overtime using the power of compounding. Using this calculator, you will be able to see approximately what amount of money you can expect to earn at the end of your investment tenure.
View PlanOther Life Insurance Calculators
These financial calculators can be used to calculate premiums and returns for your Life Insurance products. Finance calculators like Life Insurance Calculator helps the investors to invest wisely in life insurance plans keeping in mind about different parameters.
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ARN: PCP/FC/171023
Disclaimers: .
1Standard Premium for 24-Year Old Healthy Male, Non-Smoker, 25 Years Policy Term, 25 Year Premium Payment Term (exclusive of GST) for Axis Max Life Smart Secure Plus Plan (UIN: 104N118V07).
2Guaranteed benefits are applicable if all due premiums are paid.
3Applicable for Titanium variant of Axis Max Life Smart Fixed-return Digital plan (Premium payment of 5 years and Policy term of 10 years) and a healthy male of 18 years paying Rs. 30,000/ per month (exclusive of all applicable taxes) with 7.50% return. Life Insurance is available with this product.
4Past Performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance
CAGR since inception (14 yrs) – 11.8%
5 year CAGR – 13.4%
The above value of Rs.1,03,36792 based on 11.87% (CAGR – Compound Annualised Growth Rate) returns since inception from Max Life High Growth Fund (ULIF01311/02/08LIFEHIGHGR104) as on 30/06/2022.

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