What to do with Liver Problems?

The liver is your body’s protector as it performs various vital functions, now it’s your responsibility to protect your liver by applying a healthy lifestyle.


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One of the largest solid organ and gland in our body, Liver is about the size of a football,which is one of the most crucial parts of our body as it carries out multiple bodily functions including metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, synthesises essential proteins, produces biochemicals that are necessary for digestion and much more.

It’s your responsibility to take care of your liver as now you know how important it is for your body and what can happen if your liver stops working. Here are some healthy tips that can reduce the risk of liver-related problems if you implement them in your life:

1. Regularly exercise

2. Eat a balanced diet

3. Avoid over usage of alcohol

Some liver-related issues, their causes, symptoms, and cure are mentioned below. Read and prevent yourself from any liver-related disease.

Causes of Liver Problems

The principal cause of liver-related problems are discussed below:

1. Several genetic conditions, which can be inherited from your parents, can affect your liver:

     a) Hemochromatosis

Hemochromatosis is a type of disease in which your body stores more iron than it needs. This iron can damage your liver if not treated properly.

     b) Wilson’s Disease

It causes the liver to absorb copper instead of transferring it to the bile duct. This copper can travel through your bloodstream and can cause significant damage to other organs, including your brain.

2. Fat buildup around your liver can also affect your liver and can cause fatty liver disease. These are of two types:

     a) Alcoholic fatty liver disease caused by heavy alcohol consumption.

     b) Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (its causes are still unknown)

3. Hepatitis

It is a viral infection of the liver that causes inflammation in the liver and damages it. You should know that hepatitis is a contagious disease. There are five types of hepatitis:

     a) Hepatitis A

Spread through contaminated water or food.

     b) Hepatitis B

It can be acute or chronic and is spread via bodily fluid such as semen and blood.

     c) Hepatitis C

It is caused when you come in contact with blood from someone who is already suffering from Hepatitis C.

4. Autoimmune Conditions

Your immune system attacks healthy cells of your body. Autoimmune diseases are of three types that involve your immune system attacking your liver cells. These are:

     a) Autoimmune Hepatitis

In this condition, your immune system attacks your liver cells that caused inflammation.

     b) Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)

This condition can lead to liver failure as it causes damage to the bile duct in your liver.

     c) Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

In this condition, your immune system damages your bile duct, and buildup of bile in your liver causes inflammation.  

Symptoms of Liver Disease

Liver disease symptoms vary from person to person. However, if you are facing some of the general symptoms that are mentioned below, schedule an appointment with your gastroenterologist immediately:

1. Dark urine

2. Nausea

3. Itchy skin

4. Decreased appetite

5. Swelling in ankles, abdomen, or legs

6. Chronic fatigue

7. Jaundice- yellowish eyes and skin

8. Easy bruising

Prevention of Liver Problems

Here are some precautions that you can take:

1. Drink alcohol responsibly

Drinking can cause damage to your liver and can scar your liver. Consult with your doctor about what amount of alcohol is right for you. It would help if you drank alcohol in moderation or quit it altogether.

2. Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight

Exercise can reduce your body fat, which eventually can reduce liver fat. Exercising will not only make you healthy, but your chances of getting non-alcoholic fatty liver disease also decrease, which is one of the fastest-growing forms of liver disease.

3. Eat a balanced diet

Avoid high calorie-meals and focus on more nutrient-rich meals such as vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals, and rice that contain fiber. You can also eat a limited amount of meat, low-fat milk, nuts, and fish that are a great source of good fats. Also, keep yourself hydrated.  

a) Don’t share personal hygiene items such as toothbrushes, nail clippers, and razors as it may contain a microscopic level of blood or other bodily fluids.

b) Practice safe sex as unprotected intimacy or getting in intimate relations with multiple partners can increase the risk of hepatitis B and C.

Depending on the specific liver condition, your doctor may recommend some dietary changes and will prescribe you medicine accordingly. Such as:

1. Blood pressure medicines

2. Antibiotics

3. Steroids to reduce liver inflammation

4. Antiviral drugs to treat hepatitis

5. Vitamins to boost liver health

6. Medications that target specific symptoms

A liver transplant is done in some severe cases.

Secure Your Multi-Functioning Liver with an Insurance Plan

Your liver performs most of the crucial bodily functions. It’s your responsibility to take care of it by applying the methods mentioned above. Also, to be completely secure, buy Accelerated critical illness benefit (for which additional premium is to be paid) with Max life Smart term plan ((UIN: 104N113V02), as it has many benefits such as:

1. It will not only take care of your family in case of your untimely demise but will also provide you critical illness cover under which it will take care of your medical expenses and provide you lump sum benefit in case of a terminal illness.

2. Also, it is highly manageable as you only have to pay a premium for one insurance policy with multiple benefits.


1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/liver-problems/symptoms-causes/syc-20374502

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