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5 Celebrities Who Fought Cancer and Defeated It Hands Down

This isn’t just another quote for people who’ve lived through the most challenging phase of their life


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This isn’t just another quote for people who’ve lived through the most challenging phase of their life- ‘battling Cancer’ and finally, managed to survive through it. Just thinking about the disease gives anyone goosebumps, so imagine how incredibly difficult it would have been for those who’ve fought with it. Along with medical treatments, their willpower and the support of loved ones must have been an important anchor for them during such rough times.

Cancer, as we know, is a life-threatening disease that causes malignant cells to grow in the body at an uncontrollable rate. Curing cancer is mostly possible, only when it is detected at an early stage. So, timely diagnosis and treatment is a key factor for survival.

However, even treatment of cancer is a daunting struggle in itself, because of the intense challenges involved throughout. So, let us have a look at some brave cancer survivors who fought and won over this deadly disease-

1. Sonali Bendre

“Switch on the Sunshine.”

This 44-year old Bollywood actress was diagnosed with high-grade cancer in 2018. On receiving the news, she cried the whole night, not believing her life was going to turn upside down. This deadly disease took from her, one of her most valuable asset - long luscious hair. However, that was just one part of the many challenges that her journey made her face.

But despite all ordeals, she didn’t lose hope and courage. Basing her struggle on the mantra to ‘take life one day at a time,’ she fought the fierce battle and came out shining. Both during and post her treatment, she shared pictures of her, which left people admiring her spirit.

2. Tahira Kashyap

“Respect unpredictability and have the courage to be the hero of your life.”

Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurana’s wife Tahira Kashyap was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in her right breast in September 2018. When the disease got detected, doctors told her that it was already high-grade in nature. But taking the unexpected challenge in her spirit, and going through mastectomy for one of her breasts, she later called her journey a metamorphosis.

Ask her what’s her most significant victory, and she says that it was changing her son’s mindset. When she became bald, her son initially felt embarrassed about making her meet his friends. But with faith and show of strength, Tahira managed to win over this too.  

 People Who Battled Cancer and Defeated It Hands Down - Image

(Image Source: Shutterstock)

“You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.”

 – Cayla Mills

3. Julie Genovesi

“The support of loved ones is amazing and works its wonder.”

No celebrity or star, this lady is still a superwoman, who battled cancer despite it being in such a severe stage. 51-year old Julie, who’s a single mom living in New York, was diagnosed with lung cancer type called Adenocarcinoma, stage iv. Initially, she was in complete denial of what had struck her, for she was a runner, who was fit and who never smoked. However, later, she took the challenging journey in her stride and smiled through her tears.

Taking disability from work, due to treatment and side effects, she spent her days going for medical appointments, keeping in touch with her son, visiting family and friends, and reading. After all those harrowing months, when the doctors told her she had won over cancer, she said it was only because of his son that she could push herself this far.

4. Manisha Koiral

“I don't see things from a worm's perspective but a bird's perspective. I smile at problems.”

In 2012, Manisha Koirala was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and just like all patients, it felt like a rude shock to her. She shared that she never thought that something like this would ever happen to her, despite cancer being common nowadays. However, during her treatment, she chose to be around and listen to people who made her look at even tough situations positively. Her friends told her to see ‘chemo’ as nothing but a ‘vitamin shot,’  going bald as getting a ‘chemo cut,’ and several other things, which made the struggle a little less challenging.

Post her treatment, she shared that the journey was tough, but it has made her gentle yet strong, and she values life more now.

5. Yuvraj Singh

“Take the right advice and act as soon as you can.”

Cricket sensation, Yuvraj Singh has always come across as fiercely strong. However, just after his scintillating performance in the world cup 2011, he was faced with the darkest moment of his life. Diagnosed with lung cancer, he felt like falling into a ditch. However, after diagnosis, he immediately headed to the U.S where he underwent three cycles of chemotherapy and took ayurvedic and rehabilitation support.

Fighting with all his might, he not only defeated cancer, but also returned to cricket, and played T-20 in 2012 and several other matches post then. It is only recently that he has taken retirement from cricket. But he shall always be remembered for his winning streaks, both in cricket and against cancer.

Stay Insured, Stay Secure

Life is unpredictable and can, therefore, throw some tough challenges at you. That is why it is essential to always remain prepared against them all. Therefore, it is advisable that you purchase health insurance cover for your loved ones and yourself. This cover will ensure that during tough times, at least your financial worries are taken care of. You can even go for critical illness covers like cancer cover, which supports you through all the stages of the disease, paying you in different forms such as lump sum or monthly income cover.

Max Life offers term plans with critical illness benefits and covers about 40 critical illnesses including Parkinson’s disease, deafness and Cancer and several such ailments. The minimum age to buy such a cover is 18 years, and a waiting period of about 90 days is applicable for such cases.

So, build up your defenses and remain prepared against all kinds of challenges! 

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