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Frequently Asked Questions about a Term Insurance Plan
Despite term insurance being the most affordable form of life insurance, many questions arise in the minds of the buyers about its features and benefits. Prior to buying, it is essential to understand the various aspects of term insurance and have a clear understanding of them. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions, answered.....
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During a business tour, 28-year old Shashank happened to meet his friend Sanjay (35), who was married and blessed with two children. Shashank’s work involved extensive traveling, and so he was always busy. That day after the conference was one of the rare occasions, when he had some time to sit and interact with his friend over coffee.
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Difference Between Life Insurance and General Insurance?
Insurance is a contract that is designed to protect the interest of policyholders or beneficiaries in the face of the various uncertainties of life. There are two broad categories of insurance contracts in India– life insurance and general insurance. Unfortunately, there is some confusion regarding the differences between life insurance vs. general insurance in India...
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