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Why is Cancer Insurance Important? Upon being diagnosed with cancer,
A courageous outlook, albeit seldom seen. Generally, cancer patients struggle with issues of diagnosis and treatment. Shock and disbelief are usually immediate reactions to the diagnosis Mixed emotions of anxiety, anger and depression follow as it sinks in. As options and treatment plans are discussed, the patient starts to adjust and prepare for the next steps.....
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Happy Lungs: Why You Should Quit Smoking Today?
Putting down your cigarette for good is no simple accomplishment. But understand this – within 12 hours of quitting, the carbon monoxide level in the blood drops to normal, and within two weeks, your lung function and circulation improve....
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5 Health Conditions That Regular Running May Alleviate for You
Good health is something that we all wish to enjoy, but seldom want to work towards it. However, the key to a healthy lifestyle lies in self-control and discipline. Essentially, you will have to break bad habits and develop healthier ones to enjoy a healthy life....
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