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From Moneyball to the Wolf of Wall Street: X Hollywood Movies that Inspire About financial Management

Take inspiration from the finance movies that are mentioned below to enhance your financial management skills

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Movies have a significant impact on our society. Films such as Moneyball, Braveheart, The Untouchables, The Pursuit of Happyness have brought much-needed changes in society. Movies, therefore, are not only a source of entertainment, but some of them can leave an everlasting effect on you.  

Hollywood has made many movies over the years about causes that a common man can relate to. Like many other essential subjects, Hollywood has made several successful finance movies too, with a great deal of detail and information. You’d think that films like these would be boring, and probably not worth the time, but like any other film, most finance movies made by Hollywood are packed with action, drama, and emotions! These finance movies have subtly taught us the art of financial management.

If you are thinking of working in the field of finance or are already a part of it, then this list of best finance movies is a must-watch:

1. Moneyball

Moneyball - Max Life

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Moneyball was released in 2011, starring Hollywood actor Brad Pitt as Oakland A’s general manager Billy Beane. His character shows how someone can gain more income by changing the way they think, as in the film, he uses a computer-based algorithm and scant resources to put together a successful team.

Brad Pitt’s character in this finance movie shows that if you think differently about any aspect of your life, baseball statistics in the movie’s case, you can truly create wealth. It works in the film because he approached the game alongside his business partner in a way that no one could accomplish at that time.

2. The Untouchables

This film makes viewers think twice before neglecting their responsibilities towards filing income taxes. The film shows that to get success in life, one needs to be disciplined. This film also taught us how, for a simple charge of tax evasion, you could go to jail. You are not a wanted criminal if you failed to file income taxes, but you can hurt your credit.

The Untouchables - Max Life

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The primary motive of the movie is to teach its viewers that paying their taxes on time will avoid any audits and penalties against them in the long run.

3. The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie taught its viewers how to deal with financial hassles in life, without quitting because of adversities. This film narrates the real-life story of Chris Gardner, who went through severe hardships in life and battled homelessness, all while raising his son. After facing all these difficulties in life, he successfully builds a multi-million dollar stock brokerage firm.

The character of Chris Gardner was played gracefully by Will Smith, and he reminds the audience that no matter how dire the situation may seem, you will get where you want if you don’t give up. In this finance movie, you will learn about the financial hardship that one has to face to climb the ladder of success.    


The Pursuit of Happyness - Max Life

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3. The Pursuit of Happyness

The endowment plan is a traditional life insurance policy that is a blend of insurance and savings.

In an endowment plan, if the life assured live longer than the policy period, the insurance company provides maturity benefit to the policyholder. Additionally, some endowment plans may offer periodic bonuses that are either paid on maturity or to the beneficiary in case of the policyholder's untimely death.

The Pursuit of Happyness - Max Life

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4. The Wolf of Wall Street

This 2013 movie is based on the real-life story of stockbroker Jordan Belfort who has the potential of selling anything to anyone. Leonardo Di Caprio plays Belfort’s character gracefully and depicts adventure in a stockbroker’s life. This film is one of the best investment banking movies and is a must-watch for you if you are into investing. The movie showcases how Belfort lured his clients into buying terrible stocks and took advantage of their greed in increasing his bank balance. This movie shows its viewers how instant gratification can make you fall into a trap. So, whenever you are making critical financial decisions or stock investments, make sure you take the services of trusted sources and experts to avoid any manipulations.

The Wolf of Wall Street - Max Life

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4. The Wolf of Wall Street

This 2013 movie is based on the real-life story of stockbroker Jordan Belfort who has the potential of selling anything to anyone. Leonardo Di Caprio plays Belfort’s character gracefully and depicts adventure in a stockbroker’s life. This film is one of the best investment banking movies and is a must-watch for you if you are into investing. The movie showcases how Belfort lured his clients into buying terrible stocks and took advantage of their greed in increasing his bank balance. This movie shows its viewers how instant gratification can make you fall into a trap. So, whenever you are making critical financial decisions or stock investments, make sure you take the services of trusted sources and experts to avoid any manipulations.

The Wolf of Wall Street - Max Life

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Watch these influential finance movies and enhance your financial management skills. You can achieve your dreams by managing your finances properly and can make a difference in the life of many people.

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