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What is Jeevan Pramaan Patra and How To Download It?

Know the importance of Jevaan Pramaan or Digital Life Certificate for Pensioners, its benefits and eligibility criteria to get it.


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Many individuals look forward to retirement as a time to relax and spend more time with the family. However, retired individuals still have expenses and many fund their retirement through their pension. A key requirement to ensure that pension payouts are not disrupted is the timely submission of the Jeevan Pramaan Patra or Life Certificate with the pension authority. Earlier this proof of life document could only be obtained by physically visiting a designated office, but this has changed with the introduction of the Digital Life Certificate/Jeevan Pramaan.

Read on to know key details regarding what the Jeevan Pramaan Patra or Digital Life Certificate is, how to download it and its benefits for pensioners.  

What is Jeevan Pramaan Patra / Digital Life Certificate?

The Jeevan Pramaan Patra or Digital Life Certificate can be defined as a biometric-enabled digital certificate for pensioners. This digital certificate can be used as proof of life for the pensioner i.e. to prove that the pensioner is alive so that he/she can receive the due pension in their designated bank account. Currently, very pensioner or those receiving family pension after having worked for the Central Government, State Government or any other government/quasi-government organization is eligible to avail the benefits of this facility.

Proir to introduction of this biometric-enabled life certificate, pensioners and/or family members of the pensioners had to physically visit the office of the pension disbursing agency/designated office for issue and submit of the proof of life. However, this was difficult for pensioners with health problems that restrict travel and/or movement. Introduction of of the biometric-enabled digital Jeevan Pramaan certificate is expected to help elderly individuals receiving various types of pension to a great extent. As per current rules, Jeevan Pramaan Patra dgital life certificate has to submitted once a year before the 30th of November annually.  

Registration Process for Jeevan Pramaan Patra

You can generate a Jivan Pramanpatra online and offline. To do it offline, you would be required to visit your nearest Jeevan Pramaan Centre and submit the required documents to get the process of registration started.

Alternatively, you can also register for Jeevan Praman Patra online by downloading the mobile application. The application for a digital life certificate can be downloaded from the official Jeevan Pramaan Patra website.[AC(DC-E1]

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  • Once the app has been downloaded, click on the “New Registration” button.

  • Provide key details, including pension payment order number, Aadhaar details, and registered pension account bank details.

  • Click “Send OTP” to proceed. Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.

  • Post a successful OTP verification, you will need to authenticate details through biometric verification using fingerprint/iris as per your Aadhaar details.

  • On successful biometric verification, you will receive a SMS acknowledging submission of you digital Life Certificate application on your registered mobile number. You will also receive your Jeevan Pramaan Certificate ID.

  • Once your digital life certificate is generated, it will automatically be added to the Life Certificate Repository. Then it can be easily accessed by the pensioner and the pension disbursing agency. The Jeevan Praman Patra certificate can also be downloaded in PDF format by the pensioner from the official website, if required.

Please note: If you are downloading the Jeevan Pramaan client software for use on a Windows computer, you will need to use a biometric fingerprint/iris scanner device. Alternatively, you can also use the Jeevan Pramaan Face App for Android which uses the mobile phone camera to capture an image of the applicant’s face and complete the registration process for digital life certificate. Others details including system requirements for the can be found on the official Jeevan Pramaan website.

Also Read: What is Know Your Customer (KYC)?

Benefits of Jeevan Pramaan Patra

The digital life certificate or Jeevan Pramaan offers a lot of benefits to the pensioner over the earlier offline process. Here are the key ones:

Minimizes Hassles

A Jeevan Pramaan Patra makes your work easier by sparing you from following the manual process of being physically to submit life proof and collect the pension. This can minimize the possible hassles faced by senior citizen pensioners.   

Reduces the Possibility of Fraud:

The biometric is generated through an individual’s Aadhaar, ultimately reducing the chances of fraud and scams.

Seamless Credit of Pension 

Once the digital life certificate is generated and updated on the life certificate respository, it is automatically accessible by the pension disbursement authority. So, future pensions are credited to the registered bank account of the pensioner without requiring any additional manual effort.

Also Read: How to Withdraw Pension?

Documents Required for Obtaining Jeevan Pramaan

The pensioner is required to provide the following documents at the time of registering for the digital Jeevan Pramaan patra:

  • Name, Address, email id and other demographic information

  • Aadhaar Number

  • Mobile Number registered with UIDAI and pension disbursing authority

  • Applicable pension related information such as PPO (Pension Payment Order) Number, Bank details, Pension Account number, Name of Pension Sanctioning Authority, Pension Disbursing Authority, etc.

  • A pensioner is also required to provide biometrics of either the iris/fingerprint or face id-based verification.

Eligibility Criteria to Get Jeevan Pramaan Patra

Under current rules,  pensioners are eligible to get digital Jeevan Pramaan only if they are retired from service and their pension sanctioning authority (PSA) has been onboarded with the Jevaan Pramaan portal.

Currently a digital life certificate cannot be submitted if the pensioner is re-employed or has remarried. Such individuals are required to submit the life certificate in the traditional way by physically visiting the Pension Dusbursing Authority office or other representative office.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How is Jeevan Pramaan Patra different from a life certificate issued by government agencies?

Unlike a life certificate issued by government agencies, you do not need to be physically present at a pension office for the Jeevan Pramaan Patra, as it is available to them digitally. Once the digital life certificate is created it is automatically processed by the Pension Disbursing Agency and pension is paid out to the oensioner’s registered bank account.  

Q2. How long is the Jeevan Pramaan Patra valid?

No, the Pramaan ID doesn’t come with lifetime validity. The validity period of the certificate is determined according to the rules formulated by the Pension Sanctioning Authority. i.e., a new Pramaan ID needs to be obtained if the validity of the Pramaan Patra expires.

Q3. Can a pensioner who has remarried submit digital life certificate?

No. As per current rules, a pensioner who has remarried or re-employed cannot avail the benefit of digital life certificate.

Q4. Is the Jeevan Pramaan or Pramaan ID valid for life?

No the Pramaan ID or Jevaan Pramaan is valid for only a limited time period as per the rules specified by the pension sanctioning authority. After the validity period ends, one needs to obtain a new Pramaan ID/Jevaan Pramaan certificate.   

Q5. What should I do if my Jeevan Pramaan Patra is rejected?

You need to connect with Pension Disbursing Agency in such an instance. The digital life certificate is often rejected if the wrong details are provided. It is suggested that a new Pramaan-ID should be generated with all correct information and biometrics.


ARN No : July23/Bg/10B

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